Sunday, March 17, 2013

What's next for Poor Shadows of Elysium

Our Richard II was successful, so we're looking forward to the next show. I want to pitch a non-Shakespeare early modern show with a strong female presence. I was hoping The Roaring Girl would fit the bill, but while I love parts of it, I'm not in love with the play as a whole. I've been reading Fletcher's Bonduca, but Bonduca and her two daughters, the only women in the play, die in Act IV. The Duchess of Malfi is a strong possibility, and I've ordered a copy of Fletcher's The Sea Voyage, which I am given to understand contains six or seven female roles - fighting Amazons.

Many plays left to consider, including Women Beware Women, The Changeling, A Chaste Maid in Cheapside... if anyone has any input, please reply here or on the poll on our Facebook page.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

A review of Poor Shadows of Elysium's Richard II

"It's a virtuoso turn that stretches not only the principals but also the cast."

Me as Henry IV, Heath Thompson as Exton. "They love not poison that do poison need." Photo by Shawn McHorse.

Click through to the review.